Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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>.> You'd let me win? 'Cause I'm a girl, right? >.>

Edit - Luna - I'm happy to help conspire against Pyro with you! If you need any help or anything.
I'm not very small, Lamp and Pyro just like to think that....

I'm about 5'4", average-ish, on the smaller side. But I'm not, like, a midget as they seem to think.
I'm the middle child Lamp. It won't be that hard for me to think up something. ^.^

Ooo! I did think of a cheer for Pyro! My little sister taught me it.
It goes like this:
Kill! Kill!
Maim! Hate!
Murder, mangle, mutilate!
Goooo Pryo!!

I found it fitting for some odd reason. ^.^
Luna- You have fun with that, you will need Lamp's help.
Lamp- Well, I wouldn't let you win per se, I just can't fight back. >.>
Oh, okay then. *is only slightly bigger* 5'5"... and Lamp's just tall, even if she doesn't think so...
@ Luna - I love the cheer.

I still think you'd need my help.

@ Pyro - >.>

@ Flying - I feel short on a daily basis. Maybe if/when I grow just another 1-2 inches. But. . . I'm certainly not tall. >.> Or at least everyone finds a way to be taller. >.>
Well if you insist... <.< I'd love help!
*comes up next to Lamp*
*be's taller*
XD Any ideas for what you're plotting? Just don't kill him. He might thank you.

@Megan - *is taller than you*
*makes way to a ladder* *is now tall*
Nuh-uh! *gets taller*
Not really. >.< I got distracted by the radio.
Some days I think I have the attention span of a chihuahua.

You know what? It's really fun to say chihuahua like CHI HUA HUA.
Love is most definitely the word. :3


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