Keiralee, love, you shouldn't be making yourself feel physically sick over this. I mean, your help is /very/ greatly appreciated, but... If it makes you /that/ uncomfortable, then really.... Perhaps in future you should consider just telling them you think it'd be a good idea to move elsewhere, then sit it out?
I hate the French student teacher.You just suck. You do. Please go away. My French score is going to go down and if I don't get best in academics I'm going to do something drastic.
Funny, we feel the same way about them. And they can /try/ taking us down, but really. If you'd seen us when Tally and I were active, we can out-post and out-random them any day. If a flamewar is what it comes to, so be it, but I'd rather things could be resolved peacefully.
Just... the 'Revolution' is only going to make them more trollish, not less. It won't solve anything longterm, even though it helps for now. We're more MX people than this-site people, by the way.