Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Dude, that's incredibly awesome. Congratulations. :D

The wallpaper on my phone is a llama.


Thank you very awesome 10 year old.

Before Math class was really loud and awesome because my teacher was great. He was funny and he made Math... not compel me to sleep. I never fidgeted in class. Now Math class is monotone and I'm half-compelled to sleep because it's so damn boring. The teacher is like a friggin' robot and I fidget like crazy because I'm bored. >.> 


Science is just as silent and boring. It's terrible. But at the very least the teacher tries to be humorous. 


At least first and last is bearable. 


And yeah, that is my rant on why my classes in between the day suck. 


I love Kurt's face when Blaine jumps on the couch. It's like the epitome of love. :D
This online course will be the death of me. >.>

I just woke up and ran into the kitchen to get on the computer because I though the deadline for the peer group project was today and I missed it and... Nope. I'm fine. My grade still sucks though. I'm hoping that colleges will still be impressed that I'm taking precalculus trigonometry my sophomore year at a college, because it looks like I'm going be getting a B. v.v
o.o *Californian*
"Mack The Knife" is absurdly catchy, and makes studying much less painful.

School was cancelled. Again.



Inception irks me. >_>
What part? I thought that the premise was interesting, but the plot was flat and the story easy.

A lot of things.


Namely, if dying makes you go into limbo due to all the drugs you're on, couldn't the same be said for, well, jolting yourself out of the dream?


Also, wouldn't spending an eternity in the dream world kinda...well...kill your brain instantly? Brain's don't work like that, damn it!


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