Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I found out MR through my friend. 


Oh seventh grade Joyce, you're so silly. 


When I make fun of it and insist Jeb is gay my friends are like, "wtf are you on?" And then I start making long rants and then they're like, "Why do you care so much? How do you know...? How many times have you read this?"

One of my RL friends -- okay, at least one person I know IRL -- reads my epic gay fanfic. And sometimes pesters me to update it.

Thankfully, she won't read anything but the manga (on my recommendation).
The English Major Armadillo meme is so accurate. o.e And I'm not even in college.


I'm enjoying "Art School Owl" too.  :D

I prefer the Art School Owl, but the English Major Armadillo and Performing Arts Peacock are pretty funny too. XD
I'm so not an artist nor a performing arts person (construction techies ftw), but the memes are amusing. My favorites are the armadillo and the science major mouse. xD

I like the Owl 'cuz I'm an artist and can relate even though I'm not in college... XD

Same here with just about every other meme ever concerning majors.

I haven't seen the Science Major Mouse. I'll go look it up eventually. XD

XD Downloaded Firefox just to get this to work, and then I found out it worked on Chrome.

Still, this is pretty awesome. :)



asrfshflh Scott Pilgrim is officially the best thing on this Earth. Wallace is my favorite character next to Scott himself.


I'm gonna go write some horrible gay fanfiction now kbai.


Edit: scratch that, I'm gonna go read It's Kind of a Funny Story. THEN I'm gonna write bad fanfiction.


Edit 2:, I accidently unchecked all the menus in Firefox, how do I get them back? Yes, I know I'm an idiot. Oh, wait, I fixed it. nvm.

I love postmodern theory. Like, a lot.


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