You know those motivational letters you see in the chick magazines, like the "beauty is on the inside, not on the outside" kinda thing? Well I have to write one for homework. In French. *headdesk*
Today was fun. Firecrackers, boys randomly turning up in a girls uniform from another school, water guns, whistles and horns. Not to mention the look on those Yr 7's faces when the final bell went and the whole floor above us erupted into screams. And it was like 82F.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on October 21, 2009 at 5:57am
Just got back from trying to get a book from my friend. Which led to me going to Tim Hortons without my money. Which reminds me that I need to find my wallet.
No. One kid is just an idiot, and told all the other kids that I was Canadian. Because I'm a freshman in geometry, he assumed I must be smart. And apparently, smart=Canadian. Even though I'm not smart nor Canadian. And he saw my schedule, noticed I'm in French 3, once again as a freshman, and so there's the whole French Canada thing.... so basically, he made the assumption that I'm smart and fluent in French, and went from there to Canadian. And convinced all the other kids of this. This was how I found out.
*people whispering behind me* Do you know the answer to 15?
*other person* No, ask the Canadian chick, she knows everything.
Who's the Canadian chick?
The blonde in the knee socks and purple shirt.
Oh. *pokes me*