Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Good Night.
*has a story* *posts it here*

So, I was at B&N today. And there was a new, ginormous MR stand, and the people were standing there talking about it again, asking people to read the books and check out the site. Yes, the site. So I walked by, and some nice woman told me to go over to MDW. I looked at her and said "I can't." She asked why not, and then started backtracking and apologizing. I said "I want to, but.... I.... can't." She asked why. It was very slow and there was nobody around, so I explained semi-briefly, very solemnly, I probably sounded like a person talking about their dead relative. But it made me sad. >.> So then, she said "Oh wow. This doesn't sound like the kind of place we want to be sending our customers. I'm going to talk to [her presumed manager/boss] and see if we can get a different marketing tactic. They are good books, but..."

I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. In a way, I just helped kill MX. But in a way, I saved loads of poor MR fans. I'm not sure what to think.
XD Nice.

Hasn't this sort of thing happened, already to you, though?
Sort of. Which is why it was so odd. It was different, though, and not so..... depressing. I didn't actually get to explain before.
I love you Megan...
My teacher is annoying. I'm on the phone with L. Not done with my freaking homework. Haven't eaten that much. Needs food.

I might write something for it. Later. . . .at a decent hour
The emotional thing is why I didn't write anything. Mine would be something like:

I just thought I'd inform you that your fansite,, has-- oh god, it died, DIED, JP, died! *cries*
Um....why gah? Curious.
*yawn* Tired for once. Nighty night to everyone. Sweet dreams.


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