So, I was at B&N today. And there was a new, ginormous MR stand, and the people were standing there talking about it again, asking people to read the books and check out the site. Yes, the site. So I walked by, and some nice woman told me to go over to MDW. I looked at her and said "I can't." She asked why not, and then started backtracking and apologizing. I said "I want to, but.... I.... can't." She asked why. It was very slow and there was nobody around, so I explained semi-briefly, very solemnly, I probably sounded like a person talking about their dead relative. But it made me sad. >.> So then, she said "Oh wow. This doesn't sound like the kind of place we want to be sending our customers. I'm going to talk to [her presumed manager/boss] and see if we can get a different marketing tactic. They are good books, but..."
I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. In a way, I just helped kill MX. But in a way, I saved loads of poor MR fans. I'm not sure what to think.