Yeah, she's pretty much a total bitch, and has managed to get all of her friends to shun me... I'm looking in to better friends...
(*remembers that* Kind of a rude move if you ask me...)
O.O Harrison? We haven't seen him in like forever. I'm really excited now, I'll read them tonight before I go to bed, and tell you what I think tomorrow...
Permalink Reply by Xuut on December 21, 2009 at 5:00pm
Mine's... okayish. Probably should be sleeping more so I don't drink it all but screw it, I'll sleep in the day!
We have the worst spot for a house ever. It at the end of a cul de sac, in front of this weird forest thing, is on a hill, and you have to walk through a path to get to it. The driveway is longer than hell and I don't want to have to shovel it tomorrow.
It's like any substance -- too much is bad for you. But in moderate amounts... well, there're compounds in tea, I know, that can help clean up your immune system. Caffeine in general is a fairly low-risk drug, and the side effects aren't too bad.