Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Yeah, she's pretty much a total bitch, and has managed to get all of her friends to shun me... I'm looking in to better friends...

(*remembers that* Kind of a rude move if you ask me...)

O.O Harrison? We haven't seen him in like forever. I'm really excited now, I'll read them tonight before I go to bed, and tell you what I think tomorrow...
:[ Yeah, sounds like you need new friends.

(Signs that the both of us were horrible dorks XD Then again, we did meet over MR, sooooo maybe it was, like, fated to end badly?)

Ahem. Her. And rawk! :D I'll be up like all night tonight though.
I'm back. I've had a lot of coffee, my toes are wrinkled, and I have new found respect for people who move things for a living.

Also, I like snow a little less.
mmm, coffee...

I haven't liked snow since October.
>.< *Hates coffee* The taste, the smell of it being brewed.
You'd get along awesome with my family, probably >.> I'm pretty much the only person in my extended family who drinks coffee.
Coffee is like my beer if I was a beer addict.

It's not that good for me but I need it.

I love it, it just always picks really shitty days to freaking snow.
I have a mild addiction to caffeine v.v

Meh, I don't like snow because I live in fear of having to shovel it.
Mine's... okayish. Probably should be sleeping more so I don't drink it all but screw it, I'll sleep in the day!

We have the worst spot for a house ever. It at the end of a cul de sac, in front of this weird forest thing, is on a hill, and you have to walk through a path to get to it. The driveway is longer than hell and I don't want to have to shovel it tomorrow.
Technically caffeine is like a double edged knife, too much can be bad, but coffee, or tea can help clean out your system. >.> Er that sounds creepy.
It's like any substance -- too much is bad for you. But in moderate amounts... well, there're compounds in tea, I know, that can help clean up your immune system. Caffeine in general is a fairly low-risk drug, and the side effects aren't too bad.
Xuut! *tackles*


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