Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Ooooo, mummsy's birthday dinner twas amazing! I was full by the time my main course made it to me. So we took a lot of food home. I know what I'm having for dinner tomorrow~! :D And maybe the next day's lunch. Oh yes, and I also got a pair of leather gloves randomly. They were about 50% off and then my mom got even more of a discount, and I was like "Yaaaaay thank you!" Cause even on her own birthday, my mum buys me stuff. ^^'

On another note, the guy who led us to our table...*insert fangirl squeal*! He was insanely gorgeous. X3 Too bad he wasn't our waiter.
Well today was fun. I went to school in the morning which was dreary, beat some kid at stacking cups (weird game that I'm terribly good at) and played a dull game of flashlight tag. Which then followed me going to my friend's house for six hours.

Then I went to see Alice in Wonderland only it was sold out. So we wandered the streets and went into shops for two hours before going in and seeing the nine-fifteen show. It lasted till eleven-fifteen, and then we went home. I didn't get yelled at. :D

Alice in Wonderland is fabulous and I intend to have an equally as fun St. Patrick's day.

And this was a amazing start to March Break!
I call it Spring Break, but whatever floats ya boat.

Your day sounds AMAZING.
Has and always will be, March Break for me.

Twas. -Nods- Twas. :D
Listening to new station on Pandora.
My brother is home. :DDD
Alive. Being mildly pissed at my laptop. It won't open the Sims anymore. So then I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but then it tells me the craps already installed. *glares at it*

Anyway, I figure since we're on spring break now, I'll stay up ridiculously late. Sleep? Pfft. Who needs sleep?
Nomming on homemade applesauce à la mode.
Off again. Might get back online. Might just stay off and write. I'll have my phone if you need me. See you all whenever. Bye.
XD Typing and taking pleasure in simple little things. Like when I was trying to begin a sentence, I typed ':D' instead of my intended ' "D '. It made me smile really wide...I'm very simple minded. :3


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