Ooooo, mummsy's birthday dinner twas amazing! I was full by the time my main course made it to me. So we took a lot of food home. I know what I'm having for dinner tomorrow~! :D And maybe the next day's lunch. Oh yes, and I also got a pair of leather gloves randomly. They were about 50% off and then my mom got even more of a discount, and I was like "Yaaaaay thank you!" Cause even on her own birthday, my mum buys me stuff. ^^'
On another note, the guy who led us to our table...*insert fangirl squeal*! He was insanely gorgeous. X3 Too bad he wasn't our waiter.
Well today was fun. I went to school in the morning which was dreary, beat some kid at stacking cups (weird game that I'm terribly good at) and played a dull game of flashlight tag. Which then followed me going to my friend's house for six hours.
Then I went to see Alice in Wonderland only it was sold out. So we wandered the streets and went into shops for two hours before going in and seeing the nine-fifteen show. It lasted till eleven-fifteen, and then we went home. I didn't get yelled at. :D
Alice in Wonderland is fabulous and I intend to have an equally as fun St. Patrick's day.
Alive. Being mildly pissed at my laptop. It won't open the Sims anymore. So then I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but then it tells me the craps already installed. *glares at it*
Anyway, I figure since we're on spring break now, I'll stay up ridiculously late. Sleep? Pfft. Who needs sleep?
XD Typing and taking pleasure in simple little things. Like when I was trying to begin a sentence, I typed ':D' instead of my intended ' "D '. It made me smile really wide...I'm very simple minded. :3