Permalink Reply by Kayte on November 30, 2009 at 11:01am
Oh my Nathan, you'd be surprised how well we can sit through that kind of movie. We just sat through an hour and a half of badly filmed Bigfoot porn, with horribly acted voice overs...
Oh God. I'll have to get Mega Shark versus Giant Octopus too. That movie was bad, but hilarious. Koolaid = science... also let's fuck in supply closets!
(God, I know. Gotta renew it so I can watch it sometime this week...)
That part... once the guy on the airplane was all "omg we're getting married! :D" I went all 'YOU'RE FUCKED' and sure enough...
I laughed like a maniac when, uh, the Japanese guy shot the girl this awkward look while they were fiddling with Koolaid-filled test tube -- and cut to them moaning in a supply closet. I take my hat off to that. Because god, that's... XD Shine on, crazy diamonds.
(And it's a fabulous movie :D)
Permalink Reply by Kayte on November 30, 2009 at 11:15am
XD That's SiFi Channel Original for you. At least they thought about almost having a plot and at least it wasn't all stock National Geographic Footage...
Yeah, I kinda liked that movie. It was stupid, but it had a plot. A really, really horrible plot, but a plot. (Also the protagonists were scientists woo)