Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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XD Oh we love unwatchably bad movies....

Oh yes! Definitely.
Like, can't-sit-through-it bad.

Rawk. I will acquire Commando on DVD just so I can bring it.

(But I won't make you watch Doctor Zhivago.)
Oh my Nathan, you'd be surprised how well we can sit through that kind of movie. We just sat through an hour and a half of badly filmed Bigfoot porn, with horribly acted voice overs...

Hm, yes!

(it's so long O.O)
Hm, okay.

Oh God. I'll have to get Mega Shark versus Giant Octopus too. That movie was bad, but hilarious. Koolaid = science... also let's fuck in supply closets!

(God, I know. Gotta renew it so I can watch it sometime this week...)
Oh my gosh did you watch that yesterday! I watched part of it, when the shark jumps out of the water and eats the airplane...classic.

(Yeah, I really should see it again. It's been a long time...)
That part... once the guy on the airplane was all "omg we're getting married! :D" I went all 'YOU'RE FUCKED' and sure enough...

I laughed like a maniac when, uh, the Japanese guy shot the girl this awkward look while they were fiddling with Koolaid-filled test tube -- and cut to them moaning in a supply closet. I take my hat off to that. Because god, that's... XD Shine on, crazy diamonds.

(And it's a fabulous movie :D)
XD That's SiFi Channel Original for you. At least they thought about almost having a plot and at least it wasn't all stock National Geographic Footage...

(yes it is!)
Yeah, I kinda liked that movie. It was stupid, but it had a plot. A really, really horrible plot, but a plot. (Also the protagonists were scientists woo)
Listening to music and on FB.
I like the new avvie.
Dinner, back later.

On a side note: Who eats dinner at 9 PM anyways?


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