Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Lamp (when I typed this the first time it came out Mapl... >.>)
I feel like it's been forever!
XD You didn't get a letter right.

Because it has been. How've you been?
Yeah, the A and the P are in the right place....

Edit - No, wait, ignore me, I can't spell. The P still wasn't.
XD Still, nothing was in a near correct sequence.
Yeah I'm not clear on how I managed that spelling...
XD I know, and it looked kind of like it said maple, like syrup...

I know, I was online, and you weren't, and then when you came back I disappeared! I've been pretty good, busy, but on the whole it's been pretty good. You?
XD Win.,

My finger's all swollen, which is odd because I didn't think I hurt it that bad, yesterday. Or terribly too much today during my game. The swelling says otherwise. I feel like I'm falling apart at 15. D:

Other than that. . . . meh, could be worse.
(Dude, I started falling apart at 7, it's alright.)

And the more it swells, the less it hurts, in general. Wait till the swelling goes down, and if you're anything like me, it'll hurt like hell. >.>
Well, I really started last year. . . . . or eight grade, but it's getting pretty bad, now. To the point where I'm starting to worry. >.<' *can't walk*

>.> I disagree. Once it swells it's better, like.. . . .it's more protection. I prefer to wrap it asap for pressure (hurts like hell while you do that) and then it's easier to ignore.
I more or less started in elementary school, it got really bad in 7th/8th. *understands not being able to walk* *sympathizes* Do you have any specific injury that's worse than the others? Or do issues just run in your family? (My whole family has severe joint issues, which sucks for me.)
Achilles. Which are starting to get sore after a game. *worried* Those, imao, would be one of the worst things to break. >.<'

And weak ankles. Which . . . . yeah, I've been feeling that once since 5th grade.

And issues run in the family.
My knee locked up and swelled for the first time when I was only four.... so you can imagine what it's like now.

And, ouch, that really sucks.


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