XD I know, and it looked kind of like it said maple, like syrup...
I know, I was online, and you weren't, and then when you came back I disappeared! I've been pretty good, busy, but on the whole it's been pretty good. You?
My finger's all swollen, which is odd because I didn't think I hurt it that bad, yesterday. Or terribly too much today during my game. The swelling says otherwise. I feel like I'm falling apart at 15. D:
Well, I really started last year. . . . . or eight grade, but it's getting pretty bad, now. To the point where I'm starting to worry. >.<' *can't walk*
>.> I disagree. Once it swells it's better, like.. . . .it's more protection. I prefer to wrap it asap for pressure (hurts like hell while you do that) and then it's easier to ignore.
I more or less started in elementary school, it got really bad in 7th/8th. *understands not being able to walk* *sympathizes* Do you have any specific injury that's worse than the others? Or do issues just run in your family? (My whole family has severe joint issues, which sucks for me.)