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The Itex ARG

Preparation and organization for the ARG scheduled to start about a month before the release of ANGEL

Location: Lendeheim, Germany
Members: 23
Latest Activity: Aug 6, 2011

Discussion Forum

Responses to the End of the ARG 1 Reply

"Somehow, I managed to look both deadpan and speechless-shocked. Wow. Wooow. I wish Elena appeared in Angel, though..." ---…Continue

Started by EndOfTheEarth. Last reply by nathan_p Feb 15, 2011.

The Gameplan 1 Reply

Here is where we'll work on organizing the ARG material into the dates available. Since this will be a weekday-centric ARG, only those will be listed.ARG Days availableCompletely Open (2 materials…Continue

Started by EndOfTheEarth. Last reply by EndOfTheEarth Feb 6, 2011.

Puzzles 32 Replies

There are four puzzles that will occur during the weekends of the ARG and are supposed to give Elena access to more things. This is a test location for the puzzles, if you can't solve them, how can…Continue

Started by EndOfTheEarth. Last reply by EndOfTheEarth Jan 30, 2011.

Questions, comments, exclamations. 23 Replies

Purely for talking and asking other facilitators questions about MDW posts while it's going on...and for laughing at the reactions of those who aren't in on it. Remember, we don't want to hint to…Continue

Started by EndOfTheEarth. Last reply by EndOfTheEarth Jan 20, 2011.

Those on MDW facilitating the ARG 19 Replies

Being actors trying to keep the guise of being regular people isn't hard, but it isn't easy. When dealing with the ARG on MDW, some good rules of thumb:--Everyone should remain themselves. Don't…Continue

Started by EndOfTheEarth. Last reply by Nighthawk Jan 20, 2011.

Documents/pictures 52 Replies

A place for all of the letters, memos, photographs, reports, etc, be them finished or in progress.Continue

Started by Devil's Sunrise. Last reply by EndOfTheEarth Jan 18, 2011.

Elena Muller: "Valentine" 16 Replies

The Storyteller of the ARG.Rules for Elena's operation:--I picture her as being intelligent and a bit more mature than someone her age (otherwise, why would her parents let her go to Germany alone?).…Continue

Started by EndOfTheEarth. Last reply by EndOfTheEarth Jan 17, 2011.

Audio clips and transcripts 58 Replies

Please be sureto include the date/time range for your recording/transcript.Characters as cast so far by vocals:Dr. Janssen--Nathan_pJeb Batchelder--Devil's SunriseAnne Walker--XuutRoland ter…Continue

Started by EndOfTheEarth. Last reply by EndOfTheEarth Jan 17, 2011.

Comment Wall

Comment by EndOfTheEarth on January 12, 2011 at 8:02am
Day 1 simulation tonight at 7PM(EST) 6PM(Central) 5PM(Colorado) 4PM(West Coast) Noon (New Zealand).
Comment by EndOfTheEarth on January 12, 2011 at 9:00am
EDIT 7:30PM and so on.
Comment by nathan_p on January 12, 2011 at 1:48pm

Whoop whoop OH SHIT alert alert.


Ahem anyway. I have sketchy internet and am currently in the midst of backing up everything important from my computer. If I can't participate in the ARG on Friday, and I'll do my best to if I have to hijack a public computer, then the Valentine account goes to EndOf for interim management.


I'm doing my best to get back in the saddle before we go live, but timing may be a bit tight.

Comment by Brandybuck on January 13, 2011 at 1:02pm
Putting this out there now so that I can randomly shout "called it" a year from now. Judging from what I've read and heard from the ARG, Patterson is sitting pretty on some of the best writing his career has seen so far, by high-school/college authors on a sight that he owns. Just saying, don't be surprised if, a year from now, we find some of the ARG transcripts in the next MR novel.
Comment by EndOfTheEarth on January 13, 2011 at 1:57pm
@Tigerchild: Let him do it. I'd like nothing better than to open the last book and know that we've changed the world a little. And there are at least twenty of us who can attest to what really happened, which doesn't look pretty if he touts it as his own idea.
Comment by Brandybuck on January 13, 2011 at 3:10pm
@Endof: If he were to really include excerpts from the ARG, then yeah, reading it in a published form, regardless of who's name it's under, would be pretty exciting.
Comment by nathan_p on January 13, 2011 at 3:20pm

I would just die. And yeah, everything is on our side :>

Comment by EndOfTheEarth on January 13, 2011 at 3:32pm
Now we just need the mods to cooperate. We'll know by the way they react to the first two days.
Comment by Brandybuck on January 13, 2011 at 3:46pm
A PM might work, something telling them that we're not planning anything diabolical.
Comment by EndOfTheEarth on January 14, 2011 at 2:24am

No need. If they have a concern, they'll PM Elena, who will tell them that she wrote all the material, and got some friends to read voice parts. They can't do anything against her if it's all her material.

As for the material itself, the only possible complaint could be the German...which is why we're providing translations and transcripts.


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