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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Then is the goal of the protagonist to work towards normalcy? If so, then it makes sense, and my apologies about not picking up on it sooner. There's a very famous book by Ken Kesey about that.


Here I'd debate the viability and common issues of a normalcy plot, but you claim not to be interested, so I shan't press.

In a sense.


In the first story I mentioned, it's more an attempt to maintain normalcy--the protagonist would, despite the best efforts of his friends and classmates, try to keep the status quo, extremely useful-for-combat-but-not-so-much-for-ordinary-life powers aside. He might occasionally light a fire with his finger when they're out camping, or, I don't know, fly to school or something, but I wouldn't come up with contrived situations that required it for no explained reason whatsoever (Quick! We need someone with the ability of pyrokinesis to cook this piece of toast or else we'll all DIE!!!). In short, he'd try to live a slice of life while everyone around him would make a big deal of his power.


As for the other, then yes, working towards normalcy.


And please, explain away. Mind, I have to get off the comp in a few seconds, so I can't talk back, but I can read and respond in the morning.

The issue of the common normalcy plot is that the character is 95% of the time forced to realize that they are abnormal, that there's nothing they can do about it but embrace it...turning it into your cliche superhero story.

The other 5%, where normalcy is achieved, is done so to the extent of a tragic ending. For instance, see Orwell's 1984.

In my story (Which I'm actually going to make into a webcomic) the character is just going with it. He won't accept it, as such--nor will he completely achieve it. Some days it'll affect his life (To his irritation) but for the most part the subject won't come up.

That's the conclusion, mind you. Not the plot.

My biggest pet peeve: Music that has weird background noise that sounds like my father calling my name.


Crowley: *listening to music*


Father: Crowley! (Note: Crowley is not actually named Crowley. This is merely a dramatic reenactment. Do not try calling Crowley aloud at home. Do not get Crowley wet. Do not feed Crowley after midnight.)


Crowley: Eh? What is it?!


Father: ...I didn't say anything.


Crowley: God bless it...


Music: *troll face*

I've heard a couple of songs where that happens to me... I think an Evanescence one or something. It's really annoying to run to the top of the stairs so I can hear if they call again and then wait for ten minutes because I wasn't really called. >.>

Today I have washed a truckload of dishes and earned $20, finished three different paintings, and gotten my Mom hooked on playing Minecraft.

I'd say it was a pretty productive day. You know, for me. Cause I'm lazy as shit. >.>

5000 word essay on how automated haematology analysers work.


Shall I put in pretty pictures?


A picture is worth a thousand words.


Use five.

I'd love to do that.


I'd probably get a D for it.

I broke my sister's laptop. 

I feel really bad but at the very least it was her old one. Basically, I was putting away a pan and since I had gone in there like eight times within the past two hours, I got lazy so I didn't take out the pots first. Our house is itty bitty (actually it's car... like those little RV houses, I fucking hate camping) and she was sitting right underneath the cabinet and didn't move when I was putting away stuff and while I was pushing the pan in the pots all fell. Interestingly enough, none of them hit her but one hit her laptop in the middle of the screen and broke it. 


I feel really bad, anyone know how much it costs to fix a screen? 

How bad?

If she isn't hauling it about the house all the time, it would probably be easier to hook it up to a stationary monitor. And cheaper, manually replacing a laptop screen is a huge pain in the ass. Manually replacing anything on a laptop is a huge pain in the ass...except the RAM and keyboard keys.


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