It kind of looks like this picture:
And she kept it because she liked taking it around. It was small and easy to carry. She has another one but it's as big as mine (around 17 inches) so it's not exactly the easiest thing to lug around. Dude, I know. >.> -Has had experience- Fans aren't too bad either.
Holy shit.
Edit: What's more amazing? I can buy this for ten dollars cheaper in the click of a button. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA suck it.
I personally haven't bought it yet. I'm kind of scared of it not being very good. I never really enjoyed the philosophy and politics stuff in Bioshock, and Andrew Ryan...well, he never really interested me as much as the other characters.
I preordered it an embarrassing amount of time ago.
Yeah, wait until you can torrent it.
Also there's very little philosophy/politics, and while Ryan shows up quite a bit, most of the book is about other characters.
I've read worse, but there's fanfic of the game available for free that I find captures the atmosphere better.
Meaning that Zahn and Nylund remain, as far as I know, the only two good paid fanfic writers in the United States.
That's unfortunate, I was hoping for a good read.
Best thing -- Ken Levine has stated that the book isn't canon. Yes. It's fanfic.
I have an incredibly high crap tolerance and I enjoyed it vOv However, I don't think it was really a fifteen-dollar value -- like I said, there's fanfic I can read for free that exceeds or equals it in quality level.
essay due tomorrow.
I have approx 700-1500 words left (Don't care too much about word count), and only one part (the worst) to talk about, before a conclusion (shitty) and referencing (even shittier) need to be done.
yay! It's 10:30! Maybe I can be done by 11:30, so I can sleep?
3700 words - 300-1100 left. Have two more paragraphs and a conclusion left, so maybe I can get to just over 4000. Have half-done the referencing - need to finish the essay before I can finish it.
Flatmate got home. She's cooking food. It smells good. Food break time.
Not had a break yet - wrote another 300 words instead. One more paragraph. I'm sweet for word count!!!
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