Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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D: I'm jealous of that list...


I read Dracula twice. :D Wuthering Heights isn't too fun, though, in my opinion.

I've only read a few of those, but I agree with your choice of Gulliver's Travels. Hilarious.
Anyone know any good apps to put on my shiny new iPod touch? Preferably free because I'm more than a little bit stingy.

Glow Snake


Bubble Spinner

Line Up 2


Impossible Quiz

Cut the Rope Christmas Edition

Virtuoso (if you can actually play the piano)

If you have annoying schools where they restrict certain sites sometimes the browser Opera Mini lets you onto them. That's what I do for FB at school.

Dex (it's a Pokédex, c'mon)


I like Doodle Buddy as well, just for drawing inappropriate pictures. 


^All free because I'm willing to bet I'm 3x more stingy than you. Those are my favourite. I hear Cube Runner is pretty fun too. And I'd have more but I have like no space on my iPhone. :(

Thanks! You're awesome! I'll scurry off and grab those. Especially the pokedex. ...My childhood....



I'm talking to my dad on the phone. 

My REAL dad. 

He wants me to drop my life and drop out of school and go to Germany for a year. Right now.

No wonder Mom didn't go out of her way to contact him...


And now Mom's yelling at him. This is kind of funny in a strangely wrong way... :S

Between 30cm of snow in some places (since midnight - it's 8am now), and shit roads, Christchurch is pretty much at a standstill. I got no work. It's still snowing quite heavily. Not white out or anything, but heavy enough to be annoying.

Out of curiosity, how much snow does it take for them to cancel school where you are in New Zealand?

I hear different numbers wherever I travel. My high school in Pennsylvania cancelled at 30cm of snow, my college in Philadelphia at 60cm, some places I've heard of in New York (Albany, I think, that's a bit northwest of New York City) want over a meter, and in Tel Aviv in Israel they cancel if they get 2.5cm of rain.

It depends - the official ruling as far as I know is that schools must be closed if they can't provide running water - ie, the pipes have frozen. At least, that was what our prinicipal said in High School when it sleeted that one time.

Unofficially, they'll discourage you from trying to get to school if it's dangerous and/or the teachers can't get there. It doesn't happen often enough for it to be a problem so much.

We've also had school close coz of rain - only a bit more than that much - the creek behind the school burst banks and was threatening to flood a classroom.....

Canty uni is shut, and the schools too - I think everyone's being a bit cautious because having a big quake right now would be especially shit. Almost everywhere is closed, and the roads are dead. It's probably about 40-50cm here now.


There's a facebook page: "Christchurch has snow, its the icing on the quake"

Just finished my Eagle Scout Project.



Irritated at parents.

I was told I couldn't wear shorts today because I would "catch a cold". I spent the hottest part of the day outside in 25 C weather in the sun, in jeans because my parents suddenly decide to wear the responsibility pants.

>.> Either be responsible, or don't. Stop switching back and forth. And I really don't think wearing shorts would give me a cold, otherwise I would have gotten a cold during winter, when I wore shorts until below 0 C. Maybe getting a cold has some correlation to the fact that when I close a when, I get a rant on how stuffy it is inside etc.


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