Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

[Edited Because I Fracking Can]

Welcome to the Secret Confessions thread. Beyond the pure anonymity of the internet, there lies a certain level of understanding behind all the accounts here on FF. The SC account carries burden of allowing the user to give a candid, private confession with (hopefully) understanding feedback. The SC thread is for other posters to give kind and/or helpful advice, words of empathy, or a secret of their own (under the SC name or not).

This account is a group account, and EVERYONE needs to treat it respectfully. By posting under the Secret Confessor, you are pledging to refrain from hate mail, "finger-pointing", insulting and being a jerkface. By posting in the SC thread, you are pledging to keep the comments respectful. This has not yet been a problem, but it's nice to have written down "just in case".

If you would like to use the SC account for ANY reason beside posting in this thread, please PM me- even if it's under the SC name (this is not to exert authority, but to maintain order over a very accessible account).

Thank you!

Password: secret

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*has no words that can help*


Just...stay strong. Things will work out in the end.


...I'm sorry. I'm horrible at responding to these things.

When she dumped you, I was there for you.


When you needed to talk, I was there for you.


When I found out that she dumped you for my friend's boyfriend, I was there for you.


When you had a bad day, I was there for you.


When you cried on 9/11, I was there for you.


When you thought you would move, I was there for you.


When you told me you didn't want to get in another relationship because you might have to move away, I believed you.


When you stopped texting me, but still said hi in the halls, I still believed in you.


I have always been there for you. I helped you up when you were down.


And now you have a girlfriend, even though you told me you didn't want one. You didn't even tell me. I heard it from a friend that you told. You haven't talked to me in a week. It would have been nice to hear it from you. I know you know how I feel.


I hope she will be there for you like me.



Sometimes I get this sudden urge to stab a schooldesk with a fork.



So I get that you're crazy and zany and wacky and shit but fuuuuccckkkk. You do not have to be that "random" to make noises whenever we are walking down the halls, in rooms, every fucking where. It's cute the first time, lame the second time, and aggravating anytime afterwards. It's not zany or wacky after three times, it's you calling out for attention. I know your an only child, I know you want siblings so the house is less "quiet", but you have a dog and a stay at home dad. It's not as lonely as you make it out to be. 

You whine about your shitty friends, how they're all flakes, etc, etc. Yet you tell that to /me./ I DON'T EVEN KNOW THESE PEOPLE. Seriously, half the time you bitch you're like, "You know how X and Y are right, they're such bitches" and I don't know because I've exchanged a grand total of ten words with them. And if they're so shitty, why don't you drop them? Why don't you just stop hanging out with them? Clearly, you're not benefiting from the relationship, so why the fuck do you drag it on? 

Furthermore, you complain about seeing me all the time. How it's "creepy" because we're in all our classes together. Then don't fucking hang out with me at lunch, before and after school. Additionally, WHY WOULD YOU JOIN THE ONE AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITY THAT I DON'T HAVE WITH YOU IF YOU THOUGHT THAT? Seriously. I'm kind of getting sick of your hypocrisy. 

Also, please don't call me your best friend. In case you have not noticed, just because we're pretty close and in a billion things together (more so my fault, why the fuck didn't I do AP?)  I'm not going to be your best friend. It takes a lot of effort on both parts to be something more than acquaintances, a lot more for me to consider you an actual friend, and few people are actually my close friends. In my entire life I have had two best friends and I talk to them almost every other day despite the 2000 KM distance. You cannot just parade around and claim we're besties because we have a lot of classes together. It doesn't fucking work that way. 

And my last (and least favourite) part of you. Your tendency to call everyone stupid. Everyone who is not your friend is stupid basically. If they're not nice to you, they are stupid. And that's ridiculous. Okay, so D and T has some shitty points in their debate, that doesn't make them stupid. Just because they don't think the SAME WAY you do, doesn't make them stupid. Just because the girls in our class don't like you because you're every inch as judgmental as they are, doesn't make them stupid. I mean yeah, they ask dumbass questions and say stupid things and THAT'S what makes them dumb. But you can't just assume that every person who isn't moderately nice to you is stupid. It's rude, it's hypocritical (because you constantly go on and on about equality and shit) and I don't necessarily agree. Furthermore, you claim how tolerant you are, how accepting you are and I just can't sit here and fucking accept that. You bitch about anyone who is Conservative and call them "self-absorbed Conservative idiots" which is ridiculous. Socialism is great, too much Socialism is bad. Conservative is good for the individual, too much Conservative makes too much disparity. And yet, everything that isn't lined up with your left wing views you shoot down as bullshit. Even more aggravating, you get bitchy every time some like ME (living in primarily British-Irish-French descendant areas and only speaks English really) pronounces a brown name wrong yet you think it's okay to go around saying my name wrong like it's a funny joke. The first time I'll tolerate it, the second not so much. That's my last name bitch, I've been raised to honour it and you're basically shitting on my ancestor's grave every time you say "CHHEEE-AAAANNNNNNGGGG".  It's obnoxious, immature, and completely hypocritical on your part. 

And fuckit, this deserves its own paragraph. If you're so fucking great at English, if YOUR writing is so superior to mine, why the fuck do you come to English class? You claim that you "get more out of reading Macbeth by my[your]self than with the class" so why do you come? Why do you sit there, whine about how you don't get to read Macbeth's lines, and basically be a total asshole throughout the class. I'm trying to read some fucking Shakespeare and I don't appreciate your comments. Also, you have NEVER once read my actual writing. I don't want you to. I don't want people I know IRL unless I trust them 100% to read my writing. You have absolutely no basis on which to judge my writing skills. So don't tell me my ideas are "boring" and that you have "great ideas". I'm sick of hearing how wonderful you are at English. I'm sick of hearing how fabulous you are at Social. And quite frankly, I don't give two shits about your ideas that constantly psychoanalyze the personality of people around you. You have not ever taken a psych class in your life, so I suggest you shut the hell up.  


I really need better friends here.  

Somebody posted a confession on nerdfighters, talking about their pedophilia.


:/ Debating whether or not to chime in with a, "Oh, hey, me too! Wow, what are the odds?"

So, no need to be anonymous, just want to rant.


I have a crush on this guy. Like, an enormous girly crush. Which is kind of weird, because this... actually it hasn't happened in about three years now*. And last time I knew the guy really well. This time I don't. I mean, we've run into each other a few times now, mostly just randomly, but the last time was in April (I realised then that I kinda had a crush on the guy), but the crush hasn't gone away.


And it's frustrating. I just read something that he wrote, and that was enough to set me off with the whole 'ahahahaomfgyouhaveamassivecrushonthisguygigglyblushingshit' malarkey. Reading something. On the internet.


I just want the bloody thing to Go. The. Fuck. Away.


*Also, realising that the last time I really had a doozy of a crush on a guy was that long ago, kinda makes me sound like one of those sad sacks who lives in a basement and reacts badly when introduced to light. You know, we used to be able to say 'reacts vampirically'. Fuck you, Step-on-me Meyer. Fuck you and your sparklepires.

Why do you want it gone?

Because it's not going to happen. Because I'd like to crush on someone... well, someone who might happen, instead.


I mean, the whole crush bit's fine, but the disappointment that comes when reality kicks in sucks hairy crab-infested balls. I actually cried a bit yesterday. Then I kicked myself because it's all a bit sad and loserish, and went and did something productive.


I'm being extremely mood-swingy right now. I don't know whether to blame hormones, or the feeling of being at a loose end now that I'm finished with university, and oh, hey, real life, or lingering quake-stress. Probably a bit of all three.

If you're willing to talk about it, why won't it happen?

So, this weekend is what would normally be a 'hang out with Alex weekend', because I feel...crappy, and he always makes me feel better. Whether it's because he's feeling shitty too and making him feel better makes me feel better, or because he's in a good mood and just cheers me up, he ALWAYS makes me feel better. But now he's in Phoenix, which is four hours away, so he's not here to fix things.

My best friend is off at college. Also in Phoenix, actually. She's gone to ASU. I'm proud of her and all, but I miss her so damn much.

My next closest friend moved to Missouri two years ago. I still talk to her, but it's not the same.


I have other friends. I have other really close friends. But these three are my closest and asdfjkl;holyshit I miss them. I need to get out of the house and do something with one of them and none of them are here. Talking to them isn't the same. I need to see one of them.


And on a different note, I just noticed the tag on this thread. It made me smile, at least.

I need your guys’ help and I figure this is as good a place to ask as any. I can’t really go to my family with this and no matter how awkward I feel asking, I know that I need it and it’s better for me in the long run. So can anyone direct me to good, reliable information on lesbian sex? The more information, the better. I know this isn’t exactly a normal request, but any help I can get is welcome. At this point, I would take step by step instructions. I’m so clueless in this department, but I realize that I need to know, because I like girls and I don’t want to screw up any relationships because I really don’t know what I’m doing. So please, any help would be greatly appreciated.

I felt awkward the first time around, but my best friend is a lesbian and what the hell, it's only the internet.


Lube is awesome. Don't be embarrassed to use it. KY is one you might be able to pick up without parents twigging to it if you still live at home, because it's not sold specifically as a sexy-time enhancer.


So far as "What can we do together? They never taught this in sex ed!" there are lots of ways to have sex. Make your partner feel good and enjoy yourself. Some people enjoy fingering or scissoring; others like using toys on their partner. If you're not sure what she likes, start by asking her to show you how to make her feel good. 


...Wikipedia has lists of sex positions, I guess, if you need inspiration.


Also, make sure your partner is clean. STDs suck.


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