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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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"...When I asked, "And...where does everyone else fit in?" I think you misunderstood, Yuki.



I don't mean where the other characters fit in.



I mean where every other roleplayer fits in.



I'm going to be perfectly blunt: You are not a good roleplayer. I'm not being mean, I'm not being evil, I'm being perfectly honest. You have no skill as a GM.



A GM is there for the other roleplayers--to give them a good time. That's the whole point. A GM is donating their blood and sweat so that their friends can have fun. A GM is not supposed to put limits on other characters that she doesn't put on her own. A GM is not supposed to slay entire armies while the other characters do nothing because they're that weak in comparison. A GM is not supposed to base the entire plot around their character. A GM is not supposed to lie. A GM is not supposed to have their characters be the only ones who serve any purpose whatsoever. A GM is not supposed to make the roleplayers be toys for the GM and her character to play with.



I don't care if your characters are overpowered, or cliched, or mary sues, or poorly written, or just plane plain unlikeable. I don't care if they both have torture mentioned a thousand times in their history, or if their abilities revolve around darkness and death and evil and kicking puppies. Hell, I don't even care that they both lack any originality whatsoever.



What I care about is that you're an awful GM."

The Sheriff frowned at her, and raised a hand to grip the brim of his suprisingly not bloodstained slouch hat. He studied the girl for a few moments, a serious look on his face. Finally, he lowered his arm to his chest and crossed his arms, not taking his eye off the girl.



"I suppose the typical response right now would be, "I'm not a babysitter, kid,", in a gruff voice or something like that, and then you'd end up tagging along anyways and we'd save each other's lives a couple of times, and then I'd become your surrogate father figure and I'd show my soft side and such--maybe I'd like knitting or animals or somethin' crazy like that. And then I'd eventually die and confess that you're the closest thing to a daughter I ever had, which would warm the hearts of the audience considerably, and you'd end up growing as an individual and learn many valuable life lessons, culminating in you living a happy and successful life and finding your dead daddies treasure. 'Cept, I don't really feel like doing that today. 'Sides, I already have a daughter, a beautiful young girl, thank ya' very much. So instead, I'll make ya a deal. You tag along. When I say run, you run. When I say hide, ya' hide. When I say cover my back, ya' cover my back. And when I say fight, ya' do whatever you want, 'cause frankly it's not my job to tell a kid like you to kill when ya' don't want to. Furthermore, should we ever encounter that Death fellow, you stay close to me. I can't protect ya' if you're too far away from me. Hopefully, we won't encounter Death, and you'll be safe, but...killing is easier to that punk than not killing. I bet a hundred people die every time he sleeps, simply 'cause he stops holdin' himself back. So, we got a deal?"



He nodded to himself, content with this agreement.



He then stopped, and frowned. Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, he then said, "Oh, and fair warnin'. If ya were told by Death to pretend to defect and then come join me, and then kill me, it's worth mentionin' that my wife will eat your eff star star starring soul if ya' betray me. She's watching constantly, and while she doesn't care enough about my job ta interfere and kill Death herself, she happens ta have taken a likin' ta me, and will kill anyone who betrays me. That goes for you, too, Death." He spoke the last bit to the sky, it seemed.



"So, we got a deal?"



He spat on his right hand, and then reached his left hand out to shake hers.



A careful observer would have noticed his accent slipping every once in a while from cowboy to Harvard grad student.

I meant the "And you're a terrible DM" post :V

Found $50 worth of obscure paranormal/sci-fi/horror books that I intend to buy for the holidays with my own money. Also, Parents asked me what I wanted, and I asked for a dress coat, anti-eye-strain glasses, and a Nook simple, all of which, to my delighted shock, they said they could manage in the holiday budget, the first two exempt from the usual budget limits because my dad considers them "utility items"

Furthermore, O.S. Card is writing another Ender's Shadow book due out Jan 17.

I'm going to have enough reading material to last me until the summer at this rate! Finally!

It's 3:30 in the morning. I just spent, oh, two hours replaying the first two-thirds of Minerva's Den, a DLC for Bioshock 2.

Bioshock (and Bioshock 2) were my first FPS games. Bioshock 2 especially holds up well now that I have more experience with the genre -- it's even more atmospheric than I remember. And it's a lot of fun to play, not to mention much easier than it was the first time around.

So I'd like to thank whichever one of you turned me on to Bioshock in the first place.

Might have been me.
But from an objective plot perspective I still feel that the plot of Minerva's Den is far better than that of all of the regular BS2 parts combined.
Though, maybe BS2 is a better shooter than BS1, I'm willing to believe it.

Minerva's Den is pretty tightly plotted, and it doesn't try to shoehorn things into the story told in the first game like BS2 did; it adds on outside of that story. 

Also I may be biased, but BS2 runs more smoothly than BS1 does, and its controls are less stiff-feeling.

I finally managed to get on Chey's bad side again. :D


I got warned for making fun of everyone using the star system to blank out swears.


On a roleplay where practically everyone actually does star out their cusses. Who's posts are still there.




Gee whiz, I'm thinking that she might not like me!

I miss roleplaying... I tried to join one a couple days ago, and I think it got deleted. Grr. Maybe I'll start one, then, even though I can't stand most of the people on that site and I haven't been active there in a year or two and I really should focus my attention on other things. >.>

Meh. I still want to join a roleplay. A new one.

Found one. This might be fun. Or it could be a huge waste of time. >.>



Yuki is deleting the roleplay.



Fun to read while it lasted, I suppose.


Nice job, all of you.


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