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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Oh, this'll end well...

I'm meeting up with a friend who I habitually discuss global military strategy with tomorrow. We're going to have a ball with this.

I just hope they're...well, not telling the truth, but not plotting something.


I've learned to expect stupid things out of that country, and this looks like the set up to a very grim joke.

Hey, it's their state media reporting it to their whole country.

Oh, yeah.


Because they've always been honest with their people.


I'm getting sarcastic. Snarking is fine, but I don't like sarcasm. This implies that I'm slipping. I feel tired.

They were honest when Kim Il Song died. I'm willing to bet that this happened a week or so ago, but I don't think they'd fake the death of their "Great Leader", that's terrible for morale.

I really like the fact that you have someone with whom you habitually discuss global military strategy. Honestly.

...This is EndOf we're talking about. Master of all trades, Jack of none.


I wouldn't be half suprised if he teleconferences with esteemed neuroscientists, has tea with the people at Cern, and babysits Steven Hawking's kids.

There's this one obonxious kid in my class who always talks about Communism and Dictatorship and how there is nothing wrong with Communism. 

I always want to punch him in the face at the end of the day. 

Trust me, there's these people. Just most of them are not fun to talk to. Although, that may be because in one class he told everyone that women suck in politics because there's only been two female PMs or some shit.

There is nothing wrong with Communism.


It's just, it's never been done before, and probably can't be done.


Unless you mean pseudocommunism, and he's referring to China and the USSR and stuff. In which case, yeah, no. He's an idiot.

He WAS referring to China and the USSR and I constantly pointed out that Communism in practice, never worked. He continued to argue with me, that jackass.  Then he was like, "What's wrong with China?"

.... What isn't wrong with China? That place is almost as fucked up as North Korea. 

Rather, it can't be done on a large scale. The Israelis managed it in small settlements for a while. Larger groups like countries turn into dictatorships really quickly.


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