Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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So,  EndOf, Nathan, if neither of you have any objections, and I can find the blessed thing...

I'm posting my response to Yuki.



Good grief.


Dear Member,

Thank you for participating in our community!  However, your POST in Small Talk on 12/17/11 was found to be in violation of MDW guidelines and has been removed.  Please review the posting guidelines   Additional violations could result in a ban from the site.

Copy of Violation:

PS: the TOS has not changed and has been the same since we started here several years ago. I had warned that any more posting of petitions would be considered site disruption and warns would be issued.

Thank you,


She replied to her Petitions thread with a link to the TOS, too, as if it changed anything. >.>

She did that at my request, after I pointed out to her that she ought to, as most site members do not know where to find their TOS anyway.

Admittedly, they ought to do a lot of things differently, but to mention the TOS and not have a link to them is unacceptable. It's like saying something is true because science says so, but not having a citation to a sound research paper.

Especially because this is probably a first online experience for many members. Those who got their education in online etiquette elsewhere know that the TOS is your bible -- those who typed in the link from the back of the book mummy bought them for their birthday don't know that.

Also, while this is not relevant, I'm beginning to feel like a collaborator. I've actually reported people in the past few days for being disruptive cunts (spamming, not turning off the fucking capslock when asked politely). I... I think I need to go shower :C

Nothing wrong with that.


Unless you reported me. :/


Reporting other people is OK, but I deserve special treatment.

Heated apple cider with cinnamon and whipped cream.


And it's snowing, which makes it even nicer.

Um, what?

Seriously, ex-flatmates? Really. I do appreciate that you're letting me leave some stuff in the flat until next year, that's really nice of you. It's hard to deal with a bike, bookshelf and bed (even though the guy who will be sometimes staying in the room will use the bed), because they don't fly civvy all that well. But saying that the half-dozen shopping bags of stuff I left by the rubbish bin to be chucked out are 'too much to deal with' is complete bullshit. Especially when other ex-flatmate completely filled up both the rubbish AND recycling bins with stuff she threw out, leaving ME to try manage with the rubbish and recycling for those three weeks. If she had only half-filled the bins, I would have been able to throw my stuff out already.

I suppose you guys are only bitching because I was the only one to do the rubbish/recycling in the first place.


I suppose they're gonna complain when I go down to deal with it, because it means they have to come let me in.

Also, friend had her baby. Issa girl.


I'm not going to post the rant after all.


I like roleplaying as the Sheriff. I find him amusing.

Can you repost it here? I can't find the post. Herp.

The rant, or my latest post?


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