Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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How can you play Skyrim, yet not have gotten my Fus Roh Dah comment from before?

You mean on the previous page?


I hadn't played Skyrim before reading Inheritance, and to be honest, I've kind of forgotten a lot of the book by this point.

There's this bit where they say something to the extent of "and then, Galbatorix used the Word, and everything went flying"

I found someone on Tumblr who loves Good Omens and Sherlock and now we're friends.


Evanescence is amazing. 

It's 2AM.

I have to leave for SCAD at 5:30AM.

I haven't finished my portfolio.

Fuck, I'm tired.

I know that feel, believe me, and I'm genuinely sorry.  There's not a worse feeling than knowing that the next day will be awful before it's even begun, just due to lack of sleep.

So I know I've been posting a lot of attention-whore-esque updates lately about my life and why you should pity me... and I do actually feel bad about those, so I promise this is the last time I'll post something purely on this subject:

After coming out to one of my friends, I kind of told a couple others, and unfortunately one of them sort of told a shit-ton of people (this wasn't intended maliciously, he just kind of has the maturity capabilities of a seven year old). Anyway, it took about a day until all of my school friends/acquaintances knew. And here's the thing:  Everybody was so fucking tremendously awesome about it. Even this one group of friends that I was under the impression were mildly homophobic have texted me about it and accepted it. I got oodles of hugs 'n' heart-warming Facebook posts and my faith in humanity has increased exponentially. I just... I dunno you guys, it's times like these when I remember that despite my best attempts otherwise, I'm a dreadful optimist, and everything seems like it's gonna be alright.

Also, I started TFiOS (John Green's latest work of literary genius) and thus far, it seems like the icing to a pretty damn fine week.

tl;dr It's 1 in the morn and I'm manic as fuck but that's okay because the world doesn't seem like that bad of a place, does it?

Yay :3 

1) If you need to post a so-called "attention-whore-esque" update, then you do it. That's what we're here for!

2) That's freaking awesome. Your community rocks!

It totally fucking does.  You guys do too; this ol' place was here for me when nobody else was, and I still love all of you for it.

Oh, darn. The Broncos lost. Now I don't get to see people Tebowing in the middle of the school hallway or people wearing Broncos shit or angry op-eds in the Denver Post about one side or another of Tebow-mania. Damn fucking shame.


Someone is just now noticing that Forever 21 bags have John 3:16 written on the bottom. Others are treating this as a divine revelation.

Please shut up. Please.

I know it's probably hugely intolerant or something for me to say, but I really hate that basically everyone I know is a Christian. 


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