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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Finally told my girlfriend I was bi. The first person I should've told ended up finding out pretty much last.

She reacted less than preferably.

I want this week to end, and it's only Tuesday.

oh god, it's like the Glee writers aren't even trying anymore.

what the fuck is this show

Does that mean we can bury it and forget about it in another season or two?

Please, let it be so.

I hope it ends. I'll probably stop watching at the end of this season because my favorite character is graduating and really I couldn't give a fuck anymore.

Apparently someone exploded potassium in one of the main character's eyes in the latest episode.

Once, in high school, I used that as a plot device to permanently blind someone in one eye for, I dunno, reasons.

(Was I aware that potassium is usually locked away from dumbass students? Yes. Did I care? No. Realism was fo suckas.)

What I'm saying here is they build plots like I did. When I was fourteen.

Like, damn.

/cheap shot

Naw, they mixed in rock salt with a slushie and threw it at his face.

But still.

It has shitty plots, and no fucking continuity whatsoever. Even within a character's own arc they're pretty bad.

Also, they had a girl with Down's send naked pictures by text to a kid, a teacher (the main adult role model for the series, I might add) requested a student to be his best man at his second wedding with another teacher, and two students have agreed to marry. And even though the last one is a situation that might actually happen, I know that they will not handle it maturely or well in any way.

It's annoying how they made the plotline fit in to my life at the moment though, with that last one...

Unfortunately, I'm almost in Rachel's situation right now. I have an acceptance to SCAD, my dream school, but it's several hours away and then I dunno what I'd do about Cody. (No, he has not asked me to marry him or anything.) Meh. Why must it point out issues I don't want to think about when he's watching the freaking show with me? ><'

I still love Darren Criss. Blaine's my favorite character on the show. And Mike Cheng is fun to watch, especially when he looks like L.

Mike Chang is like, the only reason why I bother to watch clips of that show. That and the gay guys. Oh and Artie occasionally.

Something about singing dancing Asians who aren't in k-pop. 

Also I know a Micheal Chang and it makes it all the more amusing. 

Ouch. I hope you can figure something out with that. Best of luck. :c

Kurt's my favorite, followed by Blaine. I generally like the other characters, too, except for Will (fucking hate him), but the plotlines are just so screwed up that while I sympathize/empathize with them on an individual basis, the show's still near unbearable.

I'm procrastinating on my Psych homework and feeling depressed about lots of random, unrelated events.

  1.  World problems, etc, the usual world is coming to an end and everyone's stupid thing that I'm always depressed about.
  2. My sister does not care about anything other than herself. She is extremely depressed, does not eat, ever, and thinks her life sucks because she's failing and has to go to special ed classes and see a councilor. She doesn't even budge when people tell her stories about how everything could be a million times worse and that she has way more than a lot of the world's population.
  3. Glee, why do you have to put my life into your story? What the hell am I going to do? As I said, Cody has not asked me to marry him. Yet. He probably won't for a while. Hopefully in, like, a few years, if we're still together. Which, I mean, I hope we are... I really do love him and we've been together for a year and a half. But what happens when I go to a huge, fancy art school that's several hours away with all these scholarships and he's still working for his dad at Cracker Barrel and going to our own town's Tech school? This is going to totally suck.

Gah. I have to get off of this computer and out of this room... My brother's talking very loudly on the phone about a Minecraft server and everyone else has gone to bed. I'm tired. Good night, everyone.

There were apparently amp's for violins back in the really-fucking-late nineteenth century, based on the same technology as record players--the wee big horns attached to a violin that produced sound.


File:Violon de jazz a pavillon.JPG



Other people apparently think of this as a rather interesting instrument created in the past.




I think of it as the foundation of an entirely new style of music. I call it:




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