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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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That is so messed up. I mean I guess normal porn (well as normal as porn gets really) I can understand since some people think it's funny. Child porn is just repulsive. I hope Hachette or NING takes action against them or something. I doubt they will, but it's nice to hope. 

Should we call someone with authority? News? Police?

Jesus Christ. Sleuth around to see if you can find where the site is hosted from or something, then call the cops there.

Also, the FBI's got a tip site that you should be able to find pretty easy, but I really, really gotta run.

FBI tip site. 

And there's this too:

Which came up as one of the top things from Google.  

The mods took it down. It was still up 5:30AM my time, but the fact that they don't have anyone on night patrol bothers me. It was posted at 11:50PM EST, and by that reconing kids on the West Coast may have still been online when it was posted.



Does anyone mind if I swear profusely out of shock, rage, disgust, horror, and pure, unmitigated hatred at the individual who posted those photographs, along with those who let those pics circulate the internet, those who took them in the first place, and those who stood idly by and didn't stop them?


Because I need to vent. Badly.

Please go ahead. 

It was only one photograph, but it was enough.

I'm trying to write a paper that I've been trying to write for a week.

And I still can't fucking do it.

Why is writing suddenly this hard?

Changed subjects. It's become slightly easier.

I'm trying to figure out how to write about sexual freedom for women and bullshit gender roles - like the huge hypocrisy between beauty ideals, the comparative sexual freedom of men, and the notion that women who show themselves off are sluts and it's partly their fault when they're raped, etc - without making it seem a) like ignorant, impassioned ranting; or b) unnecessarily "mature" (like I really want to write about the difference in perception of male masturbation vs female masturbation but I feel like that's slightly awkward considering the seriousness of the paper [not much] and the audience and while that I feel like my teacher would be fine with it, technically speaking, it'd still be weird and I'm not sure I can do it).

I'd do something like saying how it's cool for my mom to cook but not for my dad? Even when he cooks better than my mom? (I'm not kidding here) And pointing out trivial "women" jobs are stupid especially since let's face it, most women these days (yeah, I mean myself) can't cook or sew worth shit. 

And the music industry is seriously lacking in females as well because apparently guys go off to be rockstar while girls just get fucked over. Unless they're weird as eff (see: Lady Gaga and Katy Perry). The ratio is something like 10:1, incredibly unequal. You notice this especially in bands, few are fronted by females (in contrast to the ones fronted by males). You could do something about that too.  

Edit: Did not read sex bit till now. 

I'd go with why guys can't be prostitutes, but girls can. Why guys can't be gold diggers, but girls can't. It's not a two way street. And how guys can be players and it's awesome but if a girl sleeps around, she's a whore. 

I hope your teacher has liberal views. 

Oh, yeah, I didn't even think about the music industry and prostitution. Thanks.

I wrote a paper on gay marriage and he didn't seem to object.


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