Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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This is the third time he's been reanimated. There is strong evidence to suggest that the scene is a dream. That would not be surprising, as half of the published MR books start with a dream scene.

That is true... too many dream sequences. The first book's one was good for scene setting, but otherwise... Well, the books are very formulaic. I'll say that much coz it's relatively tactful.

TBH, I haven't read the last few books.

I haven't even bothered to pirate the last couple books. 

The last real MX book I read was MAX I think, and that's because I got it at a super discounted price.  

Remember, we have them all on this side for free in PDF format.

XD Aha, I don't have FANG for free, I was trying to get a hold of that but never got around to it...

Hello, all.


This brings back memories...

Stay awhile, we're going back to mdw in late July!

I'll be offline all summer.


Sorry. D:

Hello everyone! I've been gone because my computer's been broken for a couple months. I'm typing on my Droid, whiich is diffficult when it likes to type two of every letter. ><'

Anyway, Graduation is June first and then I'll be out of high school forever. I thought I was going to go to my dream schooll, but appparently we're broke, it's not a nationally accredited art school, the city is full of crime, and Mom doesn't want me that far away. Thanks for letting me know AFTER I allready told the other school and everyone else I had decided. ><'

Allso, typping on this is freaking annoying and fleas are effing EVERYWHERE from our two cats. I'm gettiing eaten alive here...

Today was my school's non-mandatory High School Model United Nations. I was vaguely reminded why I intesensly dislike people so much and why I appreciate my friends so much. 

I don't understand. I explained SIX TIMES, the process in which Security Council members are elected by region. HOW CAN YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? Countries run in the election, people vote, the one with the most countries' votes win the fucking seat guys. 

This makes me appreciate the Model UN held at the university 100x more. 


My dog is mooching again.


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