Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm pretty whore-y every day, so you're good. Actually, most people only have to spend about 15 minutes with me before knowing exactly what I'm like. I wear my personality on my sleeve... and it's not a very pleasant one XD .
XD It's the most fun when I wear my sexy-schoolgirl outfit... hair ribbon, makeup, white button-down, black A-line skirt, white socks, heels.

People. Stare. At. Me.
I know I would >:D

(In a good way, of course).

I'm kinda slutty >_> I'm not tragic looking (though by no means the prettiest thing out there ) but active enough for people not to notice.
*would gladly be a whore*
Oh, well I'm okay with being non-whore also...
I want this fic.
*giggle* Bad child!

*is drawing instead of typing fic v.v*
Fandom is a job you don't get paid for ;_; I haven't updated in like two weeks. *horrifies self*
XD Oh well I'm all for that! *hates slutty make-up*
>.> I don't do slutty makeup so much as I do... like... china-doll makeup. I have really fair skin, so when I wear makeup I end up really pale with blushy cheeks and red lips.
I have naturally red lips, so I just wear pinkish lip gloss XD


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