Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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My parents think I'm better, when actually I'm far worse.... to the point that I'd actually elect to stay home, which very rarely happens, the last time I was 11 and had a 105 fever..... but they'll make me go. Everything is so backwards.
Freaking out over my poor grades. >.>
Irritated at very uncooperative RC.

Hoping that, being that I've been effectively working on this chapter for months, it won't suck as much as it seems to.
*staring at screen* -.- "Pending membership approval?" The fuck is this shit?
Shh. Now your membership may never be approved.
XD No probably not. Oh well.
The mods lurk here, you know.
^^ Yeah...

Hello dearest lurker mods. =D How about worrying about your own freaking site, ne? It's your job to deal with YOUR members, not the one's you got rid of. Didn't you get rid of us to not worry 'bout us?

Chew on that, lurkers. =P
I'll fix the mods.

Edit 1 minute later: The forum is now 'private' only members can see anything, but anyone can become a member so alert me to any creepy mod like lurkers.
I wouldn't be surprised if they make you confirm email too XD
>.> They a bazillion times...

^^ On the positive side, I just learned that bazillion is a word. Well the spell-checker accepted it.
Just learned that "but my fever is just barely over 100" isn't a good way to convince your parents that you're well.


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