Like I said, I don't want the issue on the forums anymore, so I'm deleting your post. If you'd like to talk about it further, please use PMs. I would like the forums free of this issue, but I do believe that communication is important. It's up to you, though.
Don't worry, your sarcasm wasn't lost on me. I did know about what was going on when the mods first got here. I got here later, but I know what happened. I also know that it all stopped as soon as Katy talked to everyone about it and told them that they wouldn't warn or ban for things from before we got here. I read that conversation from months ago, so I know what iRemember was referencing. I do care, and I know exactly what happened.
When I mentioned that the bannings recently had nothing to do with old posts, I wasn't talking about iRemember's post. I was talking about someone else's that was posted today, but it's no longer there because it was taken down.
The post that I was talking about stated that we were still banning for old posts now, which is untrue. That's the misinformation I was talking about. Just wanted to clear that up.
She didn't bother telling me off for directly disobeying her or saying she didn't listen to anyone but just assumed everyone was attacking the mods and spreading evil lies about them and she even offered a tiny smidgeon of info about another members banning.