Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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XD It's not that I have a lot of bad memories, just that... I don't know. I get caught up and start thinking about the bad things that have happened, and I start thinking about how much better things were back then, and by then I'm stuck.

But yes, that would count as a good memory.
Sometimes I can look back and be happy, but... right now, no. :( Fuck my brain.

If I forget to invite you...
Yeah, if y'all wanna come XD
*cough* I'm definitely crashing Nathan's wedding.
*jumps in conversation*

*wants to come*

Fate - Several conversations.
*grabs camera*

So I hear there's a wedding?
Oh my.

So all I need to do is find a nice girl or guy to spend the rest of my life with XD

Very well planned out.
Shit, I still haven't read 62... *opens another window*
XD You're gonna want to kill me after you finish it, I promise.

Tell me what you think once you're done, though :3 *excited to hear*
O.O *is now slightly afraid to finish it* *reads on bravely*

I'll be done in like 10 minutes, I'll let you know. ^.^
It... I'll just say there's a cliffhanger and leave it at that :]

Rawk. I'll be writing.


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