@ Lamp way back when you were saying you'd never fancied anyone:
I'm the same actually. I can look at a guy and say he's cute, and I can look at a girl and say she's pretty, but I've never had a proper crush on anyone. When quizzed on it I normally just mention a cute guy I saw on the tram that's completely unrelated to them.
Flying - I've just started to 'get' the whole cute/pretty thing. . . and by 'get', I mean, I know what other's opinions of a certain look are. . . .
*gets really lost when it comes to these matters*
Oh, I never had any problem with the cute/ pretty thing, but I just could never translate that to 'omigawd he's so hawt and i just wanna make out with him'.
Edit - That last bit sounds really random 'cause I had no idea how to word it, then I realised I could just say I'd never felt a real sexual attraction to anyone.
I can actually understand that.... my friends love to go off rambling about how "hot" some guy is, and they think there's something wrong with me when I don't chime in. Or, we'll be in some public place just people watching, and I'll notice things like where people were headed, what kind of mood they looked to be in, if they were in a hurry, if they were armed at all.... things that actually matter, in my opinion, and they'll be able to tell me if that guy was cute, or if that girl had nice hair. I just don't notice that stuff, unless I'm actually consciously looking for it. And even then, I fail at judging appearances.
I met my ex-girlfriend over MR when we were in middle school, pretty much hit it off immediately, and we were pretty close until the end of sophomore year when we decided "okay fuck it we're in a formal relationship"... and we stayed like that until we broke up in August.
...dammit, English fail. We met at a book fair in middle school over a copy of TAE.
edit: haha wow my Firefox/internet is a complete whore tonight, here's what I meant to post.
If I could write the mods an official Fuck You letter, it would probably involve that in some way -- MR fandom got me to write, it introduced me to my first girlfriend...
Yeah, and I'll admit that some people on my side of it (and even myself, occasionally, I seem to take everything farther than it needs to be taken) take it too far. LGBT people are equal to straight people, in my opinion, no better and no worse. Some, seem to think that they're entitled to something extra for being a minority. Sure, they deserve to be treated as equals, and because we all know that's not going to happen, we have support groups. But, once again with the racism analogy, there are the people of racial minorities that think they're entitled to something extra, just for being a minority.
But I could be totally biased, being a straight white female. Somebody, please, feel free to yell at me.