Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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-Loves you too :D-

Hooray for freakishly happy!
It's just occurred to me that on Monday I have no school because it's Thanksgiving.

Anyone else?

-Is aware that mostly everyone is American therefore, they have it in November-
We have to wait another month. Already everyone's stress level is through the roof. This school year has been crazy stressful. I think everyone is read for a break.
Well that doesn't sound fun at all. Everyone here screws around and slacks, our stress is non-existent.
XD Everyone is just breaking down. I don't get it. It's never been like this before, but everyone is just dead...
...My god. Are you all getting over-worked with HW or what? Is everyone sick?
Everyone is sick, everyone is burned out on school, people are not showing up to school because they "need a break", people are dropping classes, flaking out, quitting extra caricatures. No one is committed to anything, people are quitting their jobs. Everyone is stressed beyond belief. I don't know why it;'s happening this year but it's ridiculous...I'm burned out too, I don't know whats wrong with us this year.
Oh my god. I mean, my class is notorious for skippers, but Jesus. Hardly anyone is sick, asides from the usual and everyone is all energetic. Sports season and all.

Maybe there's a horrible disease going 'round? Or maybe it's the weather...
No, but now I'm going to go around wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving on Monday.

*would love Monday off*
*constantly forgets you're British*
XD The only time people seem to remember is when I celebrate 'Red Nose' day, Guy Fawkes Day, or go about saying 'Happy Christmas'. . . .unless, I randomly get stuck in my accent anyway
*is failing to see what about those makes people remember you're British*


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