Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Possibly? I don't really know.

To your edit: *didn't know that*
Most people don't... I was told by my kind-of-druggie-sister.
You're not? Oops....
Rereading the first Maximum Ride online, 'cause I'm cheap.
Hiding from the friends my brother has over. ^^ Only shall leave the safety of my room for pizza.

Also, I went to the mall with a friend. =D Thus I have a manga, Pocky, and two shirts. X3 I'm in a good mood...
^^ It's just so fun to hide from them. The best part is not being found.

How're you Falcon?
XD It's more effective to hide at a friends house, but I like just my room too.

>:3 The salmon did not wish to be an acceptable dinner, so it tortured you. XD How evil of it.
XD Musta. It's a conspiracy against you! O.o Be wary of all food...
<3 You just reminded me in the pantry my mother has like 3 big packs of Pocky there.

Tonight there shall be a great raid!

Also when you're sibs friends come over (and you're not friends with them) it's creeeeepy.
XD Silly Falcon's sister's friends. She no want be friend you.

I'm friends with some of my sib's friends, mainly because I'm friends with their older siblings and see then at their house.

They all think I'm weird. :D
T.T *wishes there was such a pantry in her house* Next time I go to Wally World, I must stock up.

=D Good luck with the raid though! *gives black leather suit* ^^ It's stealthy and shiny. :3

>.> I'm not friends with them too much, but I could last being in the same room for awhile. Not too long though.
*wants shiny*


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