Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired of people intentionally annoying me..... and, there's different types of 'intentionally annoying,' you know? This isn't my friends just screwing with me, or something like that.
Nothing. My friend just told them something they shouldn't have known - not my information, but it involved me - and they found it hilarious. And keep annoying me with it.
What he told me was very detailed/in depth, to the point where I'm honestly terribly surprised he was comfortable telling me. I haven't a clue what he told them, but know that he told them something.
So, the dude had a dream, and I was in it, and.... yeah, well, you already got the gist of that. So he told me, and I was cool with it, no big deal, it's just a dream... and then he apparently told his friends, who decided to come to me with it. This is fun. >.>
Permalink Reply by Xuut on October 19, 2009 at 1:37pm
Kick them in between the legs, or at least threaten to.