I know what you mean... and I found it even funnier because his text version is 231pages TNR single spaced, and that's not counting the HUGE numbers, titles, and end of chapter spaces. My book is 225 pages long and has none of that garbage. I wonder if I should put that in...
If you put chapter headings into reality check, how long in 14TNR do you think it would be? Or if you can't do that, could you give me a word-count estimate.
True. There are some books which are very short but still kick ass -- One Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich or, uh, whatever that one was, is shorter than even TAE.
It's just surprising how short TAE actually was. Somehow I expected it to be longer, I guess.
It doesn't but it gives you in interesting sense of empowerment to know that since we've already beat JP in style, that we can do it in novel length as well.