Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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You guys are the only people, besides some family members and one RL friend, who actually notice and seem to care if something's wrong with me. My RL friends don't ask, or seem to notice, or if they do notice something's off, they just don't care. I feel like I rely on you all way too much, and I feel horrible about it, but.... in turn, I also care about you all far more than you probably realize, and I'd do anything for any of you, but you already knew that. So it.... sort of evens out. But I still rely on you all too much.
>.> I like feeling like friends rely on me. It makes me feel like I'm actually making a difference, and that I'm not completely unhelpful and a burden to them. I actually appreciate being trusted and relied on. I more or less thrive on feeling like I'm actually needed. But yeah, I rely on and trust you all with everything, far more than anyone should rely on another person with.
I'm avoiding looking at the pile of hw on my desk I'm meant to be doing, and reading instead.
*always has hw*
*always does too*

*coughs* You should do your hw, so you don't, like, fall behind, and all that crap.... get good grades....don't procrastinate.... take care of yourself.... Jeez, I can't even scold people online with a straight face. *hypocritehypocritehypocrite*
*never does hw*

If it's important I'll get it done eventually, if it's not I'll bullshit my way out of it/ bullshit my way through it if it's getting checked.
I still get good marks in most subjects. Not so much maths and chem, where you actually have to know stuff, but my other subjects...
Maths... I swap between really good and really bad. Normally between the two parts of the same test. Chem was alright until recently when I realised I didn't need to do it next year and, despite not changing my studying for Chem, I failed and almost failed the last two tests.
Hey Leelee. Nothing that will interest you, I don't think.
Wtf, hon? What do you wanna know? Do you want a freaking play-by-play of the last..... however long you've been gone? Have you even been gone?
Good evening everyone. I see a lot has been going on since I was on last... Oh! And Nathan's on her way home!
Hey Kayte.


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