XD *laughs* Don't. I DID talk about almost failing the quarterly project.... which I didn't.... I don't think.....
*knows* Yeah, I talked about it 'cause the quarterly project is so huge. I was afraid of not finishing it in time. I did, but I probably only got a low A, high B on it, anyway. *shrugs*
No, at the moment, I'm not in danger of actually failing anything. Just C's. That's my only problem, really.
XD Meh. Come next week, that statement could very well be right. I'm just hoping I don't eff up this speech, it'll be easy points if I do well. (Nah, but you can pretty much ALWAYS assume that I'm almost failing/doing badly in geometry and French. The others, can change from A's to C's from week-to-week.)
XD Yeah. Think: Pass the class, go to a college (like, ahem, every single college, both realistic ones and way-out-of-my-league ones, that I've ever wanted to go to) that doesn't look at freshman grades, OR, fail the class, have to take it over again.
....yeah, there's a big difference between a C and an F.
I heard Pyro wasn't thinking about going to BHSU, anymore!
*only saw last 1/2 of the conversation*
Where's he going now? That messes up our back up, if all else fails, plan. v.v And am I the only one who's slightly amazed that he hasn't decided to a point, yet?
I'm almost worried for him just because it doesn't sound like he's done much for the applications and whatnot. . . let alone he's still choosing what schools he might want to go to.