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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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....No. But thank you for having oh so much faith in me.

(Plus, I'll probably get a low mark if I, like, try to present this 4 page speech in what is supposed to be three minutes.)
In my defense you did talk about failing photo more than any other subject, though. My bad.
*feels horrid*
*laughs* Don't. I DID talk about almost failing the quarterly project.... which I didn't.... I don't think.....

*knows* Yeah, I talked about it 'cause the quarterly project is so huge. I was afraid of not finishing it in time. I did, but I probably only got a low A, high B on it, anyway. *shrugs*
No, at the moment, I'm not in danger of actually failing anything. Just C's. That's my only problem, really.
*does anyway*
*shoudn't have assumed*

Well that's. . . better, I guess. :D
XD Meh. Come next week, that statement could very well be right. I'm just hoping I don't eff up this speech, it'll be easy points if I do well. (Nah, but you can pretty much ALWAYS assume that I'm almost failing/doing badly in geometry and French. The others, can change from A's to C's from week-to-week.)

XD Yeah. Think: Pass the class, go to a college (like, ahem, every single college, both realistic ones and way-out-of-my-league ones, that I've ever wanted to go to) that doesn't look at freshman grades, OR, fail the class, have to take it over again.

....yeah, there's a big difference between a C and an F.
There is. xD

I heard Pyro wasn't thinking about going to BHSU, anymore!
*only saw last 1/2 of the conversation*
Where's he going now? That messes up our back up, if all else fails, plan. v.v
And am I the only one who's slightly amazed that he hasn't decided to a point, yet?
I don't remember, his two choices were places I don't think I've ever heard of. I was disappointed that our backup plan is ruined, though. v.v

No. *is too*
That sucks.
*loved BHSU's requirements*

I'm almost worried for him just because it doesn't sound like he's done much for the applications and whatnot. . . let alone he's still choosing what schools he might want to go to.
*nods* He's more than smart enough to get into anything, he just needs to actually try to fill out all the forms and everything.

*coughs*Not that I should be lecturing about effort, though....

He's beyond brilliant, too. If he. . .*is being a hypocrite*
I wish he just planned a little better.

*seriously worries for him*
*hopes everything turns out well*
You still have time. You're two years his junior. If you actually get your ass to work, you'll have all the options you could ever want.

*worries about him*
*realizes that*
*is lazy and has no work ethic*

That's irrelevant, though.

*worries more*


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