Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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In which case consider the extension... gotten. Acquired. Whatever.
I sure hope that works. Meanwhile I'm gonna try to do everything I have left without knowing what I have or haven't done.
o.o Duuuuuuuude. I slept, like, ten or eleven hours last night... so now I'm up at the crack of dawn aka 8:30. But I'm writing, so it's cool.

I'm hungry, so basically all I've written is Jeb waking up all hungover and shit.
XD Dude... I'm not coherent, but fffff one thing I do know is that Roland's already gone when Jeb wakes up, so Jeb stumbles into the kitchen and there's coffee and a note on the table.

And okay fine in a minute v.v
Go us \o/

fffffffff yeah brb.
Being up too early. It's not normal. >.> I'm weirded out by my waking upness.

Noticing I haven't been on here in a while...last time I posted was about 300 so pages ago.
Py! I've been wondering where you were! Hai!
^^ Yo Night. Good to see talk to ya'. Anything interesting happen while I disappeared?
Fate's writing a really awesome mystery fic which I had to catch up with the last three chapters of this morning, I rode in a helicopter yesterday, um....and a ton of other stuff happened but my brain is all fffzzzzzt right now.

Edit- 11111st reply!!
<.> I pick bad times to disappear. :D Can I have the link to Fate's fic? Also, you rode in a helicopter!? Holy eggs with pepper and onion and buttered toast on the side! X3 Awesome!
Here it is.

Yeah, it was only a three minute ride, but it was AMAZING. Especially since I've wished I could fly since I was, like, three... That's most likely the reason why I got addicted to MR...


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