Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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O.O I don't know when mine is. Sometime in late November. But that shouldn't even count, I wasn't active until January.... even then, I didn't know any of you guys until April.
*didn't realize we joined at almost the same time*

I remember the first few days of fandom, I was so excited... *memory lane*

Yeah, I wasn't in the forums till like April, though. I lurked, sometimes, 'round January, but...
It's surreal thinking back, to when I didn't know you guys, and I was a lowly newb, and I like MR...

My first post ever was on somebody's blog. My long, long comment, had light swearing, arguments about sexuality, religion, what should be considered appropriate, internet censorship, and a few bordering-on-illegal things. I'm sure that one got me off to a great start.... I talked to... remember Katlyn, I think it was? She had the Domo pic? Yeah, I talked to her for awhile, and then disappeared until January, and randomly joined a bunch of groups. And then the whole thing with TH started and.... the rest is history.
XD It's weird how different we all started. Py used to talk in Chatspeak and I was there originally for Fangs Blog updates. We were all so different...
XD *was there for Fang's blog, too*
But it sucked more once it was on MX.... *might possibly have followed the blogspot one*
*was entertained by the blogspot one* That one was cute, It sucked once it was on MX, so I stopped caring.
Same. The only reason I came back in January, was pure boredom at the end of Christmas break.... *is incredibly glad that I did*
*nods* The reason I stayed was because I got into a debate with some guy about religion and I didn't want to leave until it was finished. I'm so glad that that guy was such a hard headed ass.
*is glad you both stayed*

Kayte - Who was it, do you remember?
*is glad she stayed too*

Bobmarlylover. He's still there. I almost feel like thanking him...


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