FOUR?! I can't even manage 1,666 words a night (and that's of fanfiction, not even original fic) let alone over 5k. You must be some NaNoer (:
Urgh, I know the feeling. I'll probably write romance/chick-lit next year, to get it out of my system. At the moment it keeps slipping into everything I write...
Oh aye, definitely. >.> This year I've only been working on the fluff when the other one needs some time to itself to chill. Although I've been working on the detective story far more than the fluffy one so far.
Not through the NaNo site, but I've been posting the detective story here as I go.
One warning, though: I've been keeping the swearing down so I can keep a T rating, but it did wind up being all slashy <.>
Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 13, 2009 at 11:53am
XD Sadly I'm in the same mess. I'm about 14k behind today's quota and I have a Science project I SHOULD be doing along with some Science questions but instead I'm reading. >.>