Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Still trying to make up massive, massive NaNo deficit.
The fanfic on my blog at MX is my NaNo x3 see how behind I am?
>.> Can't see it, mate, no account. *can't believe she just searched you on That Place* Is it that one you've got linked on your profile here?
Yes, that's the one.
Rawk. *reading that now*

Because it's not like I was writing or anything. Damn my attention span.
>.< I'm sorry. Feel free to carry on with what you were doing. My NaNo trembles in the mighty presence of your awesome one anyway.
I'm easily distracted >.> And I've only got like 200 words left to write tonight before I officially let myself give up. It's cool.
I've given up on my NaNo deficit. I'm going to wait until I can't keep my eyesopen, then close down the internwet and WRITE.
...yup. xP
Yes. Yes I do.

There are no words for how much I just laughed at that.
Jusst... wow. He looks like a gorm/creeper.

I take it back. I didn't want to see that.
...and so the masterpiece was born.

He really is gorming o_O


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