In other news I got sidetracked by the tracking of Jess and forgot that Fate could actually /kill/ people I know in that story of hers *mourns Kayte* It was a good chapter though.
Staring at the evil bio unit test, and being so glad it's a take-home test because it look extremely difficult even with books, notes, the internet, and friends from class at my disposal. Somebody remind me to start this before Sunday night.
Permalink Reply by Luna on November 26, 2009 at 4:02am
Holy cow! I hope he gets better, and that whatever it is it isn't contagious.
If he has allergies it could be that. Some people can get allergy induced asthma.
Getting ready to go get an X-Ray.
Being tired of people freaking out over this.
Today, I've had several visiors, why? Because some prat mentioned that 'I had tears in my eyes' upon getting my injury. And, well, I never cry, likewise, I didn't cry, nor was I about too. >.<' Not that I would admit if it did hurt that bad, or if I was about to cry, but seriously that never happened. X_X