Making connections between school work and... would you call this a hobby? It's kind of more than that... anyway, even if it's not for the best reasons, you'll probably remember that now.
Dude, I'm not even going to try and kid myself. It's no longer a hobby, it's nearly a lifestyle.
XD Probably, probably. Unfortunately, that's Seth's part of the presentation, which I'm making the flashcards for... and did the research for... and wrote the report for... and fixed the powerpoint facts for... *hates people like that*
I hate people like that too... which kind of makes me a hypocrite. Not that I expect anyone to do work for me, but I'm very bad when it comes to getting my work done, better in groups than if left to my own devices, but that's really not saying much.
I'm horrible at doing my own work, but in group projects it affects the grades of other people, so I do far more than my fair share and spend loads of time on it, to make it absolutely perfect. I just can't stand to slack when other people are accountable as well.
I'm in a group with two other people. The assignments were:
1) Typing the report - Brooke
2) Making the powerpoint - Me
3) Getting cover/title page - Seth
Research, was
4) Biography - Seth
5) Contributions - Me
6) Photographic evidence - Brooke
I did the entire project. The whole goddamn thing. So... I wasn't pleased. But... at least we'll get a good mark?