Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*hopes* With hope, anything is possible!! Even destroying the world. >:D

So like 1:00 AM, right?
Well, don't destruy the Underworld, and I'm fine with it.

11 for me but pretty much.
I'll leave the Underworld alone. ^^

Ahhh...time zones. My mortal enemy. *forgets about them all the time*
Good. I'll just move down there permanently when the world is destroyed. *already owns 95% of it*

Yeah. They're a pain.
Can I have 1% please? *will need somewhere to go*

>.>' Can't the moon and the sun just be in sync everywhere? I'd like the world to be flat. The evil time zones would vanish then, yes?
...You can live with me, but you can't own any of it. That ended badly last time. Denice still has her 5%... Though granted I did win 45% of it in the war...

Banishing evil time zones sounds like a lovely, lovely thing...
*relocating due to reply button disappearance*

War? ...I have my doubts that knowing about it would help my mental stability. :D Thank you for your generosity.
Erm. Yes. We tried being roommates, but as it turns out we can't share. >> But I had the bunnies on my side!
Were they flaming bunnies? :D

By the way it is...10:59 for you and 12:59 for me. Sleep = No Fail Finals. ^^

Edit: And by the time I finished typing it twas 11 and 1. *slow typer* 11:01 and 1:01. ^^'
No they were undead.

Yeah... Dammit. Well, g'night.
Ah. Zombie bunnies. ^^ Still cool.

Nighty night. Good luck! :)


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