Yeah, well I managed to pick another shitty friend not that that doesn't happen regularly So it's nice to come here to people who really care. *hugs Nathan*
Whoa, it feels like it's been forever... I'm so excited for new chapters...
I haven't made new friends in a while >.> But, y'know... I'll always care, man <3
Super-quick estimate, there were like six weeks between chapter 65 and 66 -- all of November and two weeks of December. So it's been a while. And personally I'm pretty proud of the new chapters, for a few reasons.
Well, she's been a friend of mine since Freshmen year, but she's a premadonna who thinks she's god's gift to acting, and she's hated me ever since I beat her out in an acting competition a couple months ago, so now she goes out of her way to make my life hell...
I'm suddenly glad that the most drama I've ever been involved in was, uh... yeesh, possibly that the anime club is a fail this year? (Or that my ex broke up with me over frickin' LJ messaging.)
:D Yee!
...for one thing, I got Harrison to come back. woo