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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm a senior, so I'll be done with school on 20 May next year. (As in, that's the day I graduate.)

Everyone else gets done a bit later, around 28 May or something like that.
Oh yeah, I forgot, I live in New England.
Sept. 2nd - June 23rd, so far. >./body>
\o/ One thing about this year that doesn't totally blow :D

I think it's just my school district being fuckups -- I've never really met anyone with the same crazyass schedule.
I do like not starting in August though...
We start on like the 11th, but it's absolutely marvelous being done with school at the end of May (and for some classes, early May -- viva AP!).

I admit I spent a while last June giggling madly at all the poor fuckers who still had to take exams while I was home-free. Schadenfreude, thy name is Nathan.
Sounds like I have it. We start in August. End in May.
We just blame it on all our goddamn snowdays. We went till July 1st once, when I was in elementary school.
@Fate: Whoa, holy crap :O

@RantingSidekick: We had snow days in October this year, and one delay because it was too cold to heat the school. I'm not okay with that.
I saw your FB statuses in October, and was feeling very wussy about our own wimpy weather here. (But we got like, two blizzards in the past week - awesome.)
*bursts into conversation*

We start August 24, End June 11

BUT - The board wants to make it so we have finals /before/ winter break. Translation: Start a whole month earlier next year, which = month long summer.

This will be the first time I've ever attended school on my birthday. X_X
Yeah. We /always/ start the second Monday in August. And we end sometime in May. A week off in October. Two in December. One in April. Two and a half months for summer.
@RantingSidekick: v.v I was just thankful for missing school. But fuck snow.

@Fishy: Due to severely fucky scheduling, I once attended school on my birthday.

My birthday is 28 July.

@Fate: I've moved a bunch, so I've never really had a steady schedule.


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