We start on like the 11th, but it's absolutely marvelous being done with school at the end of May (and for some classes, early May -- viva AP!).
I admit I spent a while last June giggling madly at all the poor fuckers who still had to take exams while I was home-free. Schadenfreude, thy name is Nathan.
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 22, 2009 at 1:17pm
Sounds like I have it. We start in August. End in May.
I saw your FB statuses in October, and was feeling very wussy about our own wimpy weather here. (But we got like, two blizzards in the past week - awesome.)
BUT - The board wants to make it so we have finals /before/ winter break. Translation: Start a whole month earlier next year, which = month long summer.
This will be the first time I've ever attended school on my birthday. X_X
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 22, 2009 at 1:24pm
Yeah. We /always/ start the second Monday in August. And we end sometime in May. A week off in October. Two in December. One in April. Two and a half months for summer.