I don't really care, I just.... California traffic sucks anyway. Adding another four hours onto a two hour drive is NOT appreciated.
But, when/why are you going to SF, and are you flying or driving? Because if you're driving you'll nearly go through Sac, just get your parents to stop.
Yeah, unless you take a humongous detour to avoid the city, you'll go right through Sac, so I could pretty much be wherever. *has figured out that she can get her grandma or aunt to pick up her and her friend and drop them off anywhere in the city* *can use that*
Those people always amused me. At least when I was there to bash, anyway.
I remember back when I first made the group some 'Team Alice' group was plotting a war on my group. And then someone made a thread about how stupid that was, loads of people saw and I was all *shy* *embarrassed* *doesn't want blame for this idiot planning a war* *shuns*. And I was laughing hysterically at the idea. Nothing happened, though. . . .